Joint Force Quarterly

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Joint Force Quarterly

Joint Force Quarterly (ISSN: 1070-0692) is the Chairman's joint military and security studies journal. It was created to 'inform and educate national security professionals on joint and integrated operations; whole of government contributions to national security policy and strategy; homeland security; and developments in training and joint military education to better equip America's military and security apparatus to meet tomorrow's challenges while protecting freedom today.' [1]

Joint Force Quarterly is published by the Institute for National Strategic Studies, a policy research and strategic gaming organisation within the US National Defense University. It provides research services for the Department of Defense.

The journal was founded in 1993 and is published qaurterly.



Editor in Chief

Executive Editor

Editorial Board

Circa 2009

Editorial Board

Circa 2004

Circa 2000

Editorial Board



  1. Joint Force Quarterly Joint Electronic Library, accessed 1 December 2014
  2. Joint Force Quarterly National Defense University Press, Issue 75 4th Quarter 2014 , accessed 3 December 2014