Defence Against Terrorism Review
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Defence Against Terrorism Review is an academic journal published by the Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism (COE-DAT). COE-DAT is a central point of defence against terrorism expertise in support of NATO, nations, partners and recognised institutions within the international defence against terrorism community. [1] The Defence Against Terrorism Review is an integral part of COE-DAT's efforts to promote greater resistance to the threat of terrorism.
The journal was set up in 2008 to offer scholars and experts from around the world a platform from which they can share their knowledge and research. [2]
- Isa Aslan - Director of COE-DAT
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
- Atasay Ozdemir - Chief of ADL Section, COE-DAT
Assistant Editor
Editorial Board
- Janos Tomolya - COE-DAT
- Ersin Onulduran - Ankara University
- Anthony Richards - University of East London
- Cinar Ozen - Ankara University
- Ignacio Sanchez- Cuenca - Juan March Institute, Madrid
- Oktay Tanrisever - Middle East Technical University, Ankara
- Lois Mesa Delmonte - College of Mexico
- Shireen Mazari - Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad
- Yonah Alexander - Potomoc Institute [3]
- ↑ Vision Centre of Excellence - Defence Against Terrorism, accessed 3 December 2014
- ↑ [ Editor's Note] Centre of Excellence- Defence Agaisnt Terrorism, accessed 26 November 2014
- ↑ Defence Against Terrorism Review Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism Review, vol.5 2013, accessed 4 December 2014