Charles Allen

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Charles Allen is the Chief Executive of the Granada Group. He was paid £844,000 in 1999 and £773,000 in 1998. He also bought £50,593 worth of Granada shares for £17,249 through a company options scheme in 1999. In 1998 he made £3.5 million by cashing in options on Granada shares. In 1997 he was paid £375,000 for shortening his contract from 3 to 2 years.

Allen and Gerry Robinson made millions together through a management buy-out of Compass Catering in 1988. They have worked together at Granada since 1991. The Hospitality division of Granada is due to merge with Compass Catering and split from the Media division in 2001. When Granada Media splits he is expected to run the new company and cash in share options worth £4 million.

In 1994 Charles Allen was Chief Executive of London Weekend Television (LWT), like a number of important Labour figures including Peter Mandelson, Greg Dyke, Trevor Phillips, Lord Bragg and Charles Leadbetter (Demos). Gerry Robinson was Chairman at the time.

Charles Allen sits on the North West Regional Competitiveness Working Party and several Tourism Strategy working parties. He is also a Non-Executive Director of Tesco. He says he is a believer in 'enlightened capitalism' (whatever that is). He takes 2 or 3 weeks holiday every 3 months.