Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers

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The Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers is an organisation established in 1942 by David Ben-Gurion. The organisation provides the following description of its activities on its website:

“The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) provide for the soldier's military needs. We provide soldiers with the loving care and support they need through a range of recreation, welfare and educational services and facilities designed to enhance their wellbeing in service.” [1]

The Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers receives some of its donations via supporting organisations in the UK (UK Friends of AWIS, Canada (The Association for the Soldiers of Israel), the United States (FIDF – Friends of the IDF), Mexico ( The Mexican Association for Soldiers of the IDF) and Panama the (International Fellowship of Christians and Jews). [2] During Operation Protective Edge AWIS distributed NIS 16 million to IDF soldiers.[3]


The organisation is headed by the decorated Israeli army officer Brigadier-general (res.) Avigdor Kahalani.


  1. 'About Us', Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers website, accessed 12 September 2014
  2. Greer Fay Cashman, 'Golani Tribute', Jerusalem Post, 8 August 2014
  3. Lidar Grave-Lazi, 'News in Brief', Jerusalem Post, 7 August 2014