David Hass

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David Hass is a former Special Adviser (2010-2012) to the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Kenneth Clarke.[1]

After Clarke's move to Minister without a portfolio in September 2012, Hass left goverment in to became director of communications at Hacked Off from November 2012. [2]

Hass is now director of external relations at AkzoNobel.


The August 2009 Register of Interests of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants entry for Hass lists his "Other relevant gainful employment or benefit" as:

Overseas Visits: 14-19 February 2010, to Israel and Palestinian Territories to meet ministers, parliamentarians, officers and business leaders. Conservative Friends of Israel paid for flights, travel within Israel, accommodation and some meals.[3]

Contact, Resources, Notes


Former email: david.hass AT justice.gsi.gov.uk



  1. Department of Information Services, "Parliamentary Information List", accessed 07.09.10
  2. Advisory Committee on Business Appointments, add URL...
  3. The Assistant Registrar, "Register of Interests of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants", Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, p25, 09.08.10, accessed 12.09.10