Christian Council of Britain

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The Christian Council of Britain (CCoB) was founded in 2006 by Robert West and is closely linked to the British National Party. The CCoB website states that it is "intimately involved in the preservation of freedom of speech, person, property and religion; and will continue to be so. If you are a Christian, and especially if you are a British Christian or a pro-British Christian, we heartily invite you to join the Christian Council."[1]

Links to the BNP and British Nationalism

In 2006 The Times reported that Robert West had defected from the Conservative Party to the BNP. West was suspended from being a Tory member of South Holland District Council in Lincolnshire after he spoke at a BNP meeting. West stated 'I have decided to seek refuge from political correctness by applying for asylum with the British National Party - Britain's finest and most decent party - in our country's hour of need'.[2] West's name also appeared in a BNP membership list which was leaked in 2008. It has also been reported that he's the party's vicar[3] and religious affairs spokesman.[4] He stood as a BNP candidate for the East Midlands in the 2014 European Elections.[5] He also appeared in the BNPs Party Election Broadcast for the 2014 European Elections.[6]

West has featured numerous times on Radio Britain Online. Radio Britain Online describes itself as a 'public service to British nationalists at home and abroad and to the nationalist community around the world.'[7]

Mikal Greenberg, the organisations Membership Undersecretary, was filmed giving a speech at a formal Gwent BNP meeting.[8]

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland Statement

In 2006 Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) (of which the Church of England is a member) stated that there was no connection between themselves and the CCoB. The statement read:

A body calling itself the Christian Council of Britain and apparently associated with the BNP recently started joining protests against Jerry Springer: The Opera. Anthea Cox, Methodist Coordinating Secretary for Public Life and Social justice, said, “I am outraged that the BNP and its allies are using Christianity to further their agenda of segregation and division. I think most Christians will be deeply affronted by this and want to speak out against such misguided extremism. We reaffirm our earlier statements that Christian belief is incompatible with any political party or philosophy that is based on hatred or treats people as inferior because of their race, beliefs or for any other reason. We are deeply concerned that some people are now appropriating Christian language and symbols for policies that are the very opposite of Christian values.”
The CCB has claimed that the Bible justifies its support for the BNP’s repatriation policy. But the Revd Ken Howcroft, Coordinating Secretary for Conference and Communication, said “this was a way of interpreting scripture that was used to justify apartheid in South Africa, the banning of mixed-race marriages and the setting up of homelands. The South African Council of Churches condemned this interpretation, and some of the churches that did support this interpretation later formally repented. In Galatians, Paul writes ‘In Christ there is no Jew or Gentile,’ and this makes it clear that there is no Christian basis for racial discrimination or separation.” [9]





  1. Robert West, Introducing the Christian Council of Britain, CCoB website, 28 October 2010.
  2. Thair Shaikh, Conservative councillor joins BNP, The Times, 15 May 2006.
  3. Anna van Praagh and Patrick Sawer, Who would be part of the BNP?, The Telegraph, 22 November 2008.
  4. Church debates BNP ban for clergy, BBC, 8 February 2011.
  5. Andrew Brookes, European election candidates revealed - with ousted UKIP county leader bidding for seat, Horncastle News, 25 April 2014.
  6. Party Election Broadcast: British National Party, BBC, 13 May 2014.
  7. About Radio Britain Online, YouTube. Last retrieved 7 July 2014.
  8. Response to being called a hater, YouTube. Last retrieved 7 July 2014.
  9. No Connection to the "Christian Council of Britain", Church of England website, 5 April 2006.