Richard Deverall

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Richard Deverall (1911-1980) was a US labour organizer.[1]

Deverall worked in the United Auto Workers Education department until he was fired by Walter Reuther. He enlisted as a private in the US Army in 1943, and was posted to Japan to work for the Labor Education Branch of the US Military Government in December 1945.[2]

He left Japan in 1948, after having antagonised colleagues by reporting on Communist infiltration to G-2 military intelligence.[3]

In 1949, Deverall was hired by Jay Lovestone to run the AFL's Far East Bureau in Japan.[4]

In 1951, Deverall was based in India as part of the network run by Jay Lovestone. The CIA pledged £30,050 towards his costs.[5]

Arriving in Tokyo in 1952, Deverall backed the Pro-US Zenro labour federation against the larger Sohyo. He alienated the US Ambassador Robert Murphy with allegations of Communist infiltration amongst his staff.[6]

He was recalled to the US after publicly criticising US labour attaché Allen Taylor in early 1955.[7]

In 1956, Deverall was posted to the ICFTU in Brussels as an assistant to Hans Gottfurcht. He was regarded by his colleagues as a spy for Lovestone, to whom he reported on goings-on at the office.[8]


  1. Richard L. G. Deverall, The American Catholic Research Center and University Archives, accessed 3 October 2013.
  2. Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.295.
  3. Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.296.
  4. Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.296.
  5. Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.221.
  6. Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.298.
  7. Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.298.
  8. Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, pp.313-314.