Alan Campbell (Preacher)

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Alan Campbell is a Northern Ireland-based preacher, a former member of Ian Paisley's Free Presbyterian Church, he later set up his own religious grouping which believes that the people of Ulster are descended from a lost tribe of Israel. He is the author of a number of anti-Catholic pamphlets.[1]

According to journalist Henry McDonald, Campbell has been an associate of the late John McKeague and of Clifford Peebles.[2]

In August 1996, Campbell was chaplain of the Seawright Branch of the Apprentice Boys, named after George Seawright, which traveled from Sandy Row in Belfast to Derry but was not able to march the City's walls., The Observer reported: " 'When the loyalist declared their ceasefire, I felt let down and betrayed,' Mr Campbell admitted. 'Had all those men died in vain?' He described the IRA ceasefire as a Trojan horse. 'They give people a little bit of peace to enjoy and then threaten to take it away. It's a very clever form of intimidation. In a war only one side can win. We are the majority. We have to win.'"[3]

Campbell was one of a group of loyalists protesting outside Ulster Unionist Party Headquarters during a meeting on Stormont talks in April 1998.[4]

In the days after the Good Friday Agreement, addressed an Apprentice Boys Rally in London, the Belfast Newsletter reported:

He urged the crowd to use what influence they had to campaign for a no vote in the referendum, saying loyalists should never accept power sharing or cross -border organisations.
"I have news for Mr Trimble and the other leaders. He can get as many standing ovations as he likes today, but we will bring it (the agreement) down," he said.
He continued: "You can't depend on Trimble. He is to Ulster what De Klerk was to South Africa. He is the traitor of all traitors."[5]

In the subsequent referendum, Campbell campaigned for a no vote on the Rathcoole Estate.[6]

In June 1999, the News Letter reported that Campbell had been the subject of a death threat:

Detectives confirmed to the News Letter yesterday that a .22 percussion cap bullet was retrieved from a letter sent to Belfast man Alan Campbell, who works as an RE teacher at Newtownabbey Community High School.
A group calling itself the Nationalist Defence Force issued a statement, using a recognised codeword, to the News Letter yesterday claiming responsibility for the attack.[7]

The News Letter described Campbell as follows:

A respected RE teacher whose school GCSE syllabus demands he teach "sensitivity towards the beliefs of others," he ran into trouble recently for allegedly publishing hardline loyalist propaganda on the Internet.
The material was said to incite sectarian hatred and has been passed by a Sunday newspaper to the Department of Education.[7]

in February 2001, the Sunday Mirror reported that Campbell had been visiting loyalist Clifford Peebles in Maghaberry prison. The paper also accused Campbell of links to white supremacist groups:

Campbell, who has been a fringe figure in loyalism for 30 years, has been a pal of Peebles for many years but avoided the limelight for most of that time.
It was his sinister website that made public what the seemingly respectable Campbell really was.

He used his website to spout anti-Catholic views, promote extreme loyalism and his Israel Identity beliefs.

One site section, called Rome Watch, was dedicated to listing stories from around the world of priests and nuns found guilty of various sexual offences.
He claimed Rome was conducting a "Holy War" against Protestantism and attacked Prime Minister Tony Blair because of wife Cheri's religion.[8]


  1. Henry McDonald, The poison at the heart of the Orange Order, Guardian, 9 July 2000.
  2. Henry McDonald, In defence of bigotry, Observer, 12 June 2005.
  3. Mary Holland and Jonathan Steele, LONE TRIUMPH ON THE LONG MARCH, The Observer, 11 August 1996.
  4. Suzanne Breen, Rapture, ecstasy, excitement - but not for Trimble, Irish Times, 10 April 1998.
  6. John Linklater, Queuing for a future. ;Unprecedented turnout in Loyalist stronghold includes defiant female vote, The Herald (Glasgow), 23 May 1998.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Jeanette Oldham, REPUBLICANS THREATEN TO KILL TEACHER, Belfast News Letter, 9 June 1999.
  8. Donna Carton, TEACHER'S JAIL VISITS TO TERRORIST PEEBLES, Sunday Mirror, 11 February 2001.