America's Natural Gas Alliance

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.


America's Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) is the public relations arm of the oil and gas fracking industry in the USA.


According to The Nation Magazine:

  • ANGA gave $1 million in funding to "Truthland," a pro-fracking film released to fend off Josh Fox's "Gasland: Part II."
  • Gave ASGK Strategies, a political consulting firm founded by White House advisor David Axelrod $25,000,
  • Gave $864,673 to [[]]Edventures Partners, an education curriculum company that has partnered with ANGA to produce classroom materials that promote the use of natural gas."
  • Paid the Glover Park Group over $2.9 million for 'research/advertising' and Dewey Square Group $738,957 for 'grassroots communications.,' "Both firms are run by mostly former Clinton administration officials." ANGA donated another $6,500 to Dewey Square for general operational support.


  • Martin "Marty" Durbin, nephew of U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), the U.S. Senate's Majority Whip.

Publications, Contact, Resources and Notes




