Institution of Electrical Engineers

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The Institution of Electrical Engineers (I.E.E.) was founded in 1871 as the Society of Telegraph Engineers, changed its name in 1880 to the Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians and changed it again to the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1889. It was Incorporated by a Royal Charter in 1921.

In 1980 the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) merged with the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers (IERE), originally the British Institution of Radio Engineers (Brit IRE). In 2006, the I.E.E. merged with the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (I.I.E.) to form the Institution of Engineering and Technology (I.E.T.). Before the merger, the I.E.E. was the largest professional engineering society in Europe, with a worldwide membership of around 120,000.


Supported organisations


  1. SMC, SMC Annual Review 2007, accessed 30 Oct 2013.
  2. SMC, Funding, accessed 30 Oct 2013.