Dupont: Links, contacts & resources

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The company’s website The company’s website ( provides a good general source of information on DuPont’s activities, although obviously the information it provides is quite selective.

Groups Campaigning on DuPont

Pesticides Action Network (PAN) UK Webpage: Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK) is an organisation working to eliminate the use of and dependence on hazardous pesticides, while encouraging sustainable and ecological alternatives.

Communities Against Toxics PO Box 29 Ellesmere Port Cheshire CH66 3TX Tel/Fax: 0151 339 5473 Email:

Communities Against Toxics (CATs) is an independent, community based grassroots environmental movement. It provides information and campaigns on incineration, toxic landfill, chemicals and health.

Intensive agriculture and genetically modified crops, The ETC Group website ( contains a wealth of information on agricultural intensification and GM crops.

Useful information about the chemical industry

An excellent (and highly alarming) book on the lengths that chemical companies are prepared to go to keep their toxic products on the market is:

Fagin, D., Lavelle, M. & The Center For Public Integrity (1999) Toxic Deception: How the chemical industry manipulates science, bends the law and endangers your health, Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine. (available from AK Press:

A useful list of Chemical Industry Trade and Research Associations from the US based Center for Public Integrity is at available at:

Find out how the chemical industry spins, distorts, and twists the facts to suit its purposes -- and to prevent the public from finding out how dangerous their products really are, at the Environmental Working Group’s Chemical Industry Archive:

A useful archive of news articles relating to chemical companies can be found on the Business and Human Rights website at: