Office of Fair Trading

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Board members

Philip Collins, Chairman of the Board: Collins became Chairman of the Office of Fair Trading on 1 October 2005. He is a solicitor who has practised in the UK and EU competition law field for more than 30 years, initially in London and latterly in Brussels. He was formerly a partner in Lovells where, in 1978, he was the first partner appointed to specialise in competition law. With the subsequent development of the practice, he was made head of the firm's competition and EU law practice. Subsequently, and until 30 September 2005, he was Senior Counsel at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr LLP, based in Brussels. He was one of the founders of the Competition Law Forum established at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and a member of its Advisory Board from its foundation in 2002 until 2005. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the 'European Competition Journal.

John Fingleton, Chief Executive: Became Chief Executive of the OFT in October 2005 for a five year term. He had previously been Chairperson of the Irish Competition authority since May 2000. Fingleton is Chair of the Association of Competition Economics, and represents the UK on the Competition Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He also sits on the board of several journals that specialise in competition policy. Fingleton studied economics at Trinity College, Dublin and Nuffield College Oxford. He taught economics at Trinity College, Dublin from 1991 to 2000 and held visiting positions at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (1995) and the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago (1998-2000).

Allan Asher, Non-executive member: Chief Executive of Energywatch. Previously he was the Campaigns Director of the Consumers' Association. Allan is also Director of FEMAG (Foundation for Effective Markets and Governance) in Canberra, Australia, and chair of INSOC (International Society of Civil Society Organisationson on Competition) in Jaipur, India. He chairs the consumer policy committee of the British Standards Institute and is a consultant to consumers' international and to the Consumer Unity and Trade Society (India). Allan is also a member of Transparency International.

Lord Norman Blackwell, Non-executive member

Richard Whish, Non-executive member: Professor of Law at Kings College, London where he has worked since 1991. His professional career has been devoted to competition law and policy and has written extensively on competition law matters. He was in practice, as a partner, with responsibility for the competition law practice from 1989 to 1998, and continues to act as a consultant on competition law. He has extensive experience of advising Governments and NGOs on the development of competition law. Other Government appointments: he was a member of the Director General of Fair Trading's Advisory Panel since it was formed in 2001. The advisory panel ceased to be an establishment of the Board.

Rosalind Wright, Non-executive member: Director of the Serious Fraud Office until April 2003. Before that she was General Counsel and an Executive Director in the Securities and Futures Authority. She is the chairman of the Fraud Advisory Panel and vice-chairman of the Jewish Association for Business Ethics. She is a member of the Bar Association for Commerce, Finance and Industry and a bencher of Middle Temple, where she chairs the Scholarships and Prizes Committee. Other Government appointments: Independent Member of the DTI Legal Services Board and the Companies Investigation Branch Steering Board.