Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

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The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 provided for the establishment of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), an executive, non-departmental public body, the first statutory body of its type in the world. The HFEA is the independent regulator for IVF treatment and human embryo research and came into effect on 1 August 1991. The 1990 Act ensured the regulation, through licensing, of:

  • the creation of human embryos outside the body and their use in treatment and research
  • the use of donated gametes and embryos
  • the storage of gametes and embryos.

The Act also requires the HFEA keep a database of every IVF treatment carried out since that date and a database relating to all cycles and use of donated gametes (egg and sperm).





