Revolutionary Socialist Congress, Paris 1938

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A Revolutionary Socialist Congress was held by the International Bureau for Revolutionary Socialist Unity in Paris on 19-25 February 1938.[1]

Organisations represented

  • Swedish Socialist Party
  • British I.L.P.
  • Spanish Workers' Party of Marxist Unity (POUM)
  • Italian Socialist Party (Maximalist)
  • German Workers' Party (SAP)
  • Palestine Workers' Party
  • Revolutionary Socialist League of Holland
  • International Revolutionary Youth Bureau
  • International Communist Opposition (ICO) (including German, American and Danish Sections)
  • African Workers' Party
  • Archi-Marxist Communist Party of Greece
  • Kibbutz Artzi, Palestine
  • Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSAP) of Holland
  • French United Proletarian Party (PUP)
  • German "Neuer Weg"
  • Socialist Group "Alarm" of Czecho-Slovakia
  • French Autonomous Socialist Youth
  • Revolutionary Socialist Party of Great Britain
  • Austrian Group : "Der Funke"[2]

Certain parties, which for organisational reasons were unable to send full delegates, had members present as observers, including the following : —

  • French Socialist Party (SFIO)
  • American Socialist Party
  • African Trades Unions
  • Senegal League for the Defence of the Blacks
  • Indo-Chinese Colonial Union
  • Madagascar National Liberation Society
  • Pondicherry Native Trade Unions
  • The Star of North Africa[3]


  1. A New Hope for World Socialism, International Bureau for Revolutionary Socialist Unity, 1938.
  2. A New Hope for World Socialism, International Bureau for Revolutionary Socialist Unity, 1938, p.2.
  3. A New Hope for World Socialism, International Bureau for Revolutionary Socialist Unity, 1938, p.2.