Chester Crocker
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Chester A. Crocker (b. 29 Oct. 1941) is the Group Executive chairman of the Good Governance Group, and is the James R Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies at Georgetown University. He was formerly Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and served as Chairman and member of the Board of the United States Institute for Peace (1992-2011) in Washington, DC.[1]
- 1989: Faculty at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University; He holds the recently created James R. Schlesinger Chair in Strategic Studies and serves as an Associate in the School's Institute for the Study of Diplomacy.
- 1981 to 1989: Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. He developed the strategy and led the diplomacy that produced the treaties signed by Angola, Cuba, and South Africa in New York in December 1988. These agreements resulted in Namibia's independence (March 1990) and the withdrawal of foreign forces from Namibia and Angola. As Assistant Secretary, he managed a regional bureau responsible for relations with 46 nations, supervising a budget of $116 million, 44 embassies and a U.S. and foreign staff of 3,400.
- 1976 - 1989: Center for Strategic and International Studies -- director of African studies
- 1972-1980: Georgetown University as director of its Master of Science in Foreign Service program, serving concurrently as associate professor of international relations
- 1970-1972: (staff officer at the where he worked on Middle East, Indian Ocean, and African issues.
- 1968-1969: news editor of Africa Report magazine
- Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.
- 1965: M.A. Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.
- 1963: B.A. degree from Ohio State University
- ASA Ltd – Board member (a NYSE-listed, closed-end fund focused on gold mining)
- Center for Strategic and International Studies – former director of Africa program
- Corporate Council on Africa – founding member and director
- Henri Dunant Center for Humanitarian Dialogue – Council
- Minorco, S.A. (Luxembourg) – Board member (a natural resources group)
- Modern Africa Growth and Investment Company, LLC – Board member
- National Defense University (Washington) – Board of Visitors
- National Security Council
- United States Institute of Peace – Chairman of the Board
Resources, References and Contact
- Phone 202-687-5074
- Fax 202-687-2315
- Email:
- Web:
- Chester A. Crocker, Leashing the Dogs of War, United States Institute of Peace, 2006.
- Editors: Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, Pamela Aal, Grasping the Nettle: Analyzing Cases of Intractable Conflict, United States Institute of Peace,U.S., 2005.
- Chester Crocker, Taming Intractable Conflicts: Mediation in the Hardest Cases (2004)
- Editors: Chester Crocker, Fen O. Hampson and Pamela Aall, Managing Global Chaos: Sources of and Responses to International Conflict, 1996.
- Editors: David R. Smock and Chester A. Crocker, African Conflict Resolution: The US Role in Peacemaking, United States Institute of Peace, 1995.
- Chester Crocker, High Noon in Southern Africa: Making Peace in a Rough Neighborhood, Norton, 1993.
- J. E. Davies, Constructive Engagement?: Chester Crocker and American Policy in South Africa, Namibia and Angola, 1981-8, James Currey Ltd, 2007.
- ↑ Dr Chester A. Crocker, Group Executive Chairman, Good Governance Group, accessed 10 October 2012.
- ↑ Chester A Crocker: Biography (Accessed: 7 October 2007)