User talk:Claire Harkins

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Revision as of 16:04, 5 February 2007 by David (talk | contribs)
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this is your talk page. people can eave you messages here and you will see that you have a message next time you log on. My talk page is here:

Anyway, this message is to say that I have revised the first ref on the Scottish & Newcastle page so that it has your version and a revised version. If you can try and follow this style of referencing that would be great. ie every ref should take the form:

author [url(if online) title of article/page] date, volume, no, pages etc, accessed on

This is the same as in any academic essay etc.

--David 21:09, 2 Feb 2007 (GMT)

Good stuff on S&N. Can you try and sort the refs? If you close the lines breaks between refs they will automatcially number correctly.

--David 16:04, 5 Feb 2007 (GMT)