Estonian Association of Advertising Agencies
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Logo of the Estonian Association of Advertising Agencies, circa 2006. Source: ERAL - English, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 17 January 2006, accessed 3 August 2012
The Estonian Association of Advertising Agencies (Eesti Reklaamiagentuuride in Estonian) was formed in 1998 and 'brings together well-known and largest advertising agencies in Estonia. It is set up and funded by the advertising industry to apply code and rules regulating advertising content. The purpose of ERAL is to protect common interests and secure the rights of members of the association, regulation of professional ethics, and promotion of advertising-related activity.'[1] According to the Advertising Education Forum in the UK in 2005 the 'Estonian system of self-regulation is currently under development.'[1]
Board circa 2012
- President Rein Iida Adell Taevas Ogilvy
- Members of the Board Jana Koppel DDB | Paavo Pilv Brilliant | Terje Pihl DER Tank | Erko Karing TBWA\Guvatrak
- Project manager Merike Smolski [2]
Policy Positions
According to a 2010 WHO report:[3]
- The Estonian Association of Advertising Agencies and the Estonian Consumer Protection Board have together prepared a guide explaining the meaning of aggressive advertising targeted at children.[4] Currently, no specific regulations in Estonia restrict the marketing of unhealthy foods to children. There are guidelines[5] from the Estonian Consumer Protection Board on, for example, the advertising and sale of “energy drinks” to children in order to ensure ethical and moral standards in this area. Nevertheless, campaigns targeting children are permitted, including campaigns where prizes are awarded if the food is consumed or by drawing lots. The national television channel is the only one where commercial advertising is not permitted.
Political Connections
Lobbying & PR
Other Resources
- MTÜ Eesti Reklaamiagentuuride Liit
- Vabaduse pst. 60A
- 11621 Tallinn
- Reg code 80044603
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Advertising Education Forum Estonia, July 2005, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 12 February 2006, accessed 3 August 2012
- ↑ ERAL Board, accessed 3 August 2012
- ↑ Overview of implementation of statutory and self-regulatory codes in the area of marketing foods and beverages to children in European Union Member States WHO/EC Project on monitoring progress on improving nutrition and physical activity and preventing obesity in the European Union, Report no. 12 EUR/10/ EUDHP1003693/ 8.1/12 WHO Regional Office for Europe, Scherfigsvej 8, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark, 2010, p. 14.
- ↑ Estonia, Advertising Education Forum [web site]. Tallinn, 2010 (, accessed 26 October 2010).
- ↑ Reference guide for corporations that contains issues regarding the sales and marketing of energy drinks to children. Tallinn, Consumer Protection Board, 2009 (, accessed 26 October 2010).