Stanley Crossick

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Stanley Crossick (1935-2010) was an influential lawyer and lobbyist who focused his work on EU integration and the development pro business policies within the EU. In his later years Crossick was committed to strengthening trade and diplomatic relations between the EU and China. In 1997 Crossick co-founded the European Policy Centre a Brussels based think tank driven by business interests in internal and external EU affairs. Jacques Chirac awarded Crossick with Ordre Nationale du Mrite for his services to Europe in 2007 and he received an OBE in 2010. [1] Crossick graduated from University College London in 1956, where he founded the universities basket ball club, before becoming a solicitor in 1959. [2]

Career History

  • 1997-2010 Director and Founding Chairman of the European Policy Centre
  • 1990-1997 - Chairman of the Belmont European Policy Centre and Belmont European Community Office
  • 1987-1989 - Chairman and Senior Partner of C&L Belmont
  • 1979-1987 - Founder and Managing Partner Belmont European Community Law Office Brussels
  • 1974-1979 - International Consultant Franks Charlesly & Company London
  • 1961-1974 - Partner and Senior Administrative Partner Franks Charlesly & Company London
  • 1994-1997 - Senior Vice-Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce EC Committee
  • 1981-1984 – President European Secretariat of the Liberal, Independent and Social Professions (SEPLIS)
  • 1979-2010 - Honorary Vice President International Union of Lawyers (UIA)
  • 1977-1982 - Deputy Secretary-general Consultative Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community (CCBE)
  • 1971-1979 - Secretary-general International Union of Lawyers (UIA)
  • 1970-1982 – Member Law Society's International Relations Committee, and Joint Bar/Law Society Committees
  • 1971-1974 – Member British Council of the European Movement
  • 1971 – Recipient Ralph C Yablon Bursary - Not a membership appointment
  • 1967-1972 - Honorary Secretary Law Society's Solicitors' European Group [3]

Books & Publications

  • Stanley Crossick & Etienne Reuter, (2007) China-EU: A Common Future. World Scientific Publishing, London. ISBN-13:978-981-270-176-5, ISBN-10:981-270-776-X


  1. The Scotsman, Obituary: Stanley Crossick OBE, European policy expert 28th November 2010, accessed 8th November 2011
  2. China Europe International Business School,Stanley Crossick accessed 8th November 2011
  3. China Europe International Business School,Stanley Crossick accessed 8th November 2011