Political Warfare Timeline 1945
Notes towards a chronology of the modern history of covert action with particular reference to the role of the Lovestoneite movement.
- Secret high-level Soviet bulletin attacks Earl Browder's "Teheran doctrine".[1]
- Jacques Duclos attacks Browder policy in Cahiers du Communisme.[2]
- 6 - Varian Fry of the International Rescue Committee writes to David Dubinsky that the European Labour movement will be divided into two main ideological groups.[3]
- 2 Ray Murphy of Eur/X writes analysis of Duclos article.[4]
- 16 Free Trade Union Committee has collected $186,393.59 from AFL affiliates by this date, including $50,000 from the ILGWU.[5]
- Founding conference of World Federation of Trade Unions begins.[6]
- ↑ Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.148.
- ↑ Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.147.
- ↑ Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.151.
- ↑ Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.148.
- ↑ Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.153.
- ↑ Ted Morgan, A Covert Life - Jay Lovestone: Communist, Anti-Communist and Spymaster, Random House, 1999, p.152.