Dutch Soy Coalition

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The Dutch Soy Coalition describes itself as "an initiative of Dutch civil society organisations" which aims "to contribute towards the reduction of the impacts caused by the production, transport, processing and consumption of soy".[1]


In July 2011 the Netherlands-based consultancy CREM published a report commissioned by the Dutch Soy Coalition, called "In Search of Responsible Soy".[2] The report analyzed thirteen voluntary soy standards against social justice and environmental criteria. One of the 13 standards was the Round Table on Responsible Soy, an initiative of WWF that is supported by Solidaridad (see dedicated page on Round Table on Responsible Soy).

The RTRS has been criticised by NGOs for certifying genetically modified (GM) soy as responsible (see dedicated page on Round Table on Responsible Soy). The RTRS has among its members the big multinationals involved in GM soy production and trading, including Monsanto, ADM, Bunge, Cargill, etc.


The following organisations participate in the Dutch Soy Coalition as of August 2011:[3]

Both ENDS (secretariat) | ICCO/KerkinActie | IUCN-NL | Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) | Oxfam Novib | Stichting Natuur & Milieu (the Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment) | Solidaridad | WNF-Netherlands (the Dutch branch of WWF)






  1. Dutch Soy Coalition. 2011. Home page, acc 10 Aug 2011
  2. CREM. 2011. In Search of Responsible Soy. July. Ac 10 Aug 2011
  3. Dutch Soy Coalition. 2011. Who are we?, acc 10 Aug 2011