Virgil Meier

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Dr. Virgil Meier is a former employee of Scotts Company, the seed company that partnered with Monsanto to petition to commercialize genetically modified Roundup Ready bentgrass in 2003, according to Portland Indymedia activist Jennifer Polis.[1]

Polis writes that the International Center for Technology Assessment (ICTA) filed a federal lawsuit seeking to halt field trials of the GM bentgrass until the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) completed a full environmental review. As a result of the injunction, the USDA admitted that Meier was one of the USDA scientists involved in evaluating the GM bentgrass for approval.[2]

“The Meier declaration clearly calls into question the impartiality of the USDA in reviewing this product,” said ICTA Legal Director Joseph Mendelson III.[3]






  1. Jennifer Polis, GE grass threat to land and economy, The Portland Alliance, Nov 2004, acc 6 Mar 2011
  2. Jennifer Polis, GE grass threat to land and economy, The Portland Alliance, Nov 2004, acc 6 Mar 2011
  3. Jennifer Polis, GE grass threat to land and economy, The Portland Alliance, Nov 2004, acc 6 Mar 2011