James Q Wilson

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James Q Wilson is an American political scientist and chairman of the Council of Academic Advisors of the American Enterprise Institute.

Influence on Gordon Brown

James Q Wilson's ideas influenced Gordon Brown who was introduced to his writings by Jonathan Sacks. [1] On 31 January 2001 the Smith Institute held a seminar at 11 Downing Street 'on the moral values underlying social policy', at which Jonathan Sacks and James Q Wilson were the main speakers. They were introduced by Gordon Brown who said: 'Professor Wilson’s book The Moral Sense, and his many other contributions to the study of criminology, government and society, have had a profound influence on me, as I believe his books have had a profound influence on many others in every continent.' [2]

Other notable attendees at the seminar included Julian Le Grand, Melanie Phillips, Jon Snow, Lord Young of Graffham, David Walker, Polly Toynbee and Samuel Brittan. [3]
