Living Marxism: List of contents and publications
From December 1995until 22 February 2000 Living Marxism published regular online commentaries, which are listed below.[1]
February 2000
02-22-00 Should women be living in fear? Sara Hinchliffe wonders where the latest figures on rape have come from 02-18-00 Caring concerns The reaction to abuse in children's homes has its own dangers, argues Jennie Bristow 02-02-00 Dr Shipman conviction
January 2000
01-17-00 Blair and the NHS crisis 01-15-00 Straw's laws 01-15-00 No U-turn on transport
December 1999
12-13-99 Behind the Chechen crisis 12-06-99 The problem with anti-capitalist demonstrations 12-02-99 No speed please, we're British
November 1999
11-26-99 Battered intimacy
11-19-99 New Labour's therapeutic state
October 1999
LM Interview: An American Love Story
10-14-99 Spinning Northern Ireland
10-15-99 Creating crimes to count
10-06-99 Clash of diversities
September 1999
09-22-99 The rating game
09-22-99 Six billion people? Three cheers
09-20-99 The road to hell is paved with good intentions
09-20-99 Genetically modified fears
09-10-99 National moral purpose sex shocker
09-03-99 Of mice and men
August 1999
08-26-99 Safety first?
08-16-99 Eco-worriers
08-09-99 Eclipsing the experience
July 1999
07-27-99 The Right to be Offensive
07-22-99 A kid with a new toy
07-21-99 Has the Moon shrunk?
June 1999
06-04-99 Kosovo: the price of Blair's victory
06-16-99 Punishing teenage fathers
06-16-99 Euro non-event
06-16-99 Low expectations in South Africa
May 1999
05-28-99 The nonsense effect
05-24-99 Disciplining parents
April 1999
04-29-99 Mourning sickness after Dando
04-28-99 Is this a race war?
04-27-99 American school shootings
04-23-99 No refuge
04-16-99 New Britain's moral crusade
04-09-99 Why Blair's 'humanitarian' war is even worse
04-01-99 Genocide: what's in a word?
March 1999
03-24-99 NSPCC spreads suspicion
03-25-99 Blowing up the Kosovo crisis
03-20-99 Caging children
03-17-99 Degrading democracy
03-01-99 An attack on us all
February 1999
02-17-99 Food frights
02-17-99 Who's behind the Ocalan witch-hunt?
CULTURE WARS: 02-23-99 Comedy of errors
02-15-99 Monkeying around with rights
02-07-99 New myths for old on child sex abuse
CULTURE WARS: 02-05-99 A drama out of a crisis
January 1999
01-18-99 Compensation syndrome
December 1998
12-17-98 'Degrading' Iraq
12-06-98 The Pinochet saga
November 1998
11-29-98 Policing pregnant women
11-24-98 New-Age Synod
11-23-98 Lifestyle drugs
11-20-98 House of Lords reform
11-15-98 Carmageddon II - Computer Game Panic II
October 1998
10-31-98 Primarily colourless
10-26-98 Defenestrate Pinochet
10-13-98 The Truman Sham
10-06-98 This Wasn't Hardcore ...
September 1998
09-29-98 The Return of the Left?
09-15-98 Cry Baby Clinton
09-15-98 Conflicting Peace
09-10-98 Why I don't hate Murdoch United
09-08-98 Saving Private Spielberg
09-03-98 Diana Disillusion: the Cult of Diana and its Mirror Image
August 1998
08-18-98 Shattered Peace?
08-10-98 Stock Market Jitters
08-08-98 The Last Of The Homophobes
July 1998
07-30-98 Eroding Defendants' Rights
07-23-98 The Demon Car in a World of Strangers
07-22-98 No Deal for Transport
07-10-98 The cult of Diana
07-09-98 Deathly Indecision
07-07-98 New design at the ICA
June 1998
06-30-98 Hong Kong, China - One Year On
06-30-98 Queer Today, Gone Tomorrow
06-18-98 Hooliganism: a political football
06-18-98 A Dirty Little War
06-14-98 Gordon 'Prudent' Brown
06-09-98 After Dounreay: The End of the Nuclear Dream?
May 1998
05-22-98 New Labour v Old Snobs
05-19-98 The Big Debt Relief Scam
05-15-98 Nuclear Diplomacy
05-15-98 Forced To Agree
05-13-98 New Labour's Gunboat Ethics
05-08-98 Degraded Democracy
05-07-98 The dog that didn't bark
05-02-98 Mary, Mary, quite contrary
April 1998
04-24-98 Don't March - for Peace
04-09-98 Netscape's Support for PICS
04-01-98 Kicking the soul out of football
March 1998
03-20-98 Soya Scare
03-09-98 Lunar Luddism
03-06-98 Rape Law Injustice
03-01-98 Domed-out
February 1998
02-17-98 Fanning the flames of litigation
02-19-98 Iraq - caught between the US and the UN
02-01-98 Sex scandals
January 1998
01-27-98 Compromising Microsoft's Purpose
01-26-98 To Hell with Blair's apology
01-20-98 Not one doctor but none
01-15-98 Mo Mowlam's mothering instinct
01-14-98 The IMF and East Asia
01-09-98 Human clones to order?
01-08-98 Negative images
01-02-98 The Last Straw
December 1997
12-04-97 More Mad Cow Madness
12-02-97 Gene Patenting: piracy or progress?
12-01-97 A Question for World Aids Day
November 1997
11-22-97 Cash for fags?
11-08-97 After Diana, Louise
October 1997
10-29-97 Stock Market Rollercoaster
10-27-97 Abortion: No Limits On Women's Choice
10-25-97 A Warming Thought
10-17-97 Cassini's progress ???
10-15-97 Model Cities ???
10-01-97 Algeria's bloody conflict
September 1997
09-30-97 All parties, no people
09-16-97 The Ministry Of Truth And The Bosnian Elections
09-14-97 New Scotland, New Elitism
09-08-97 The lonely crowd
09-02-97 The Real Meaning of the Di Phenomenon
August 1997
08-13-97 The Real Scandal
July 1997
07-11-97 Summary Justice
07-08-97 Mo Mowlam's marching orders
07-07-97 Stagnating in space
07-03-97 Sleaze Merchants
June 1997
06-30-97 Handing back Hong Kong
06-29-97 Preparing Bosnia For Democracy
06-19-97 McJustice
06-18-97 Pedestrian transport policies
06-16-97 Ending rape 'by any means necessary'?
06-06-97 Swinging to the left?
May 1997
05-28-97 Abortion - whose rights?
05-14-97 New Labour, Many New Dangers
05-08-97 The Tadic verdict: a bad day for justice
05-02-97 Nightmare on Downing Street
April 1997
04-22-97 From pro-choice to no choice
04-21-97 Self sacrifice in the Observer sleaze scandal
04-17-97 Banning the BNP attacks us all
04-08-97 Don't Turn Democracy Into A Media Circus
04-06-97 General Election: The Sleaze Fallout
March 1997
03-24-97 Cloning Update
03-12-97 HIV Scare Story
February 1997
02-25-97 Who's Afraid of the Pro-Life Alliance?
02-24-97 China After Deng Xiaoping
02-23-97 It's Not Just Guns
02-22-97 Undermining Justice
02-18-97 Trial by Media
02-18-97 Debate: Will Gun Control Make Society Safer?
January 1997
01-31-97 The Peace Process: Time to Face Reality
01-23-97 An Englishman's home is no longer his castle
01-21-97 Taking Liberties
01-20-97 Harvey the Heretic
01-13-97 Off with their heads!
01-07-97 Get Religion out of Politics
12-12-96 No Cuts in AIDS research
12-05-96 Freedom of Speech on Campus
12-02-96 The Cardiff Meningitis Panic
11-27-96 Rwanda Update 11-26-96 Chunnel Panic 11-20-96 The poverty of student life 11-07-96 The Election That Put Politics Aside 11-06-96 'It's NOT the economy, stupid'
10-30-96 Behind the crisis in Eastern Zaire 10-28-96 Victims are not Oracles 10-16-96 New Labour: New Authoritarianism 10-10-96 Bombs for Peace 10-04-96 Palestine: The Deadly Peace 10-03-96 'I'm Against Censorship, But...'
09-24-96 Unholy Orders 09-05-96 Bloody Crusaders Call the Shots in Iraq
08-27-96 Smoking Bans 08-23-96 Internet Censorship 08-16-96 Holding a gun to our heads 08-08-96 The abortion controversy
07-25-96 Who Needs the World Service? 07-22-96 The Stock Market Rollercoaster 07-19-96 Teflon Peace 07-11-96 The sectarian peace process 07-10-96 The moral maze 07-07-96 Why they lied to you about AIDS 07-05-96 Whose Values? Whose Visions?
06-20-96 Supporting Victims 06-10-96 A Travesty of Democracy 06-07-96 Hillsborough: Seven Years On 06-06-96 Child's Play 3 - A Horror Story 06-04-96 Please Mind Your Manners!
05-23-96 Controls Old and New 05-15-96 Stalking our rights away 05-10-96 Show Trial Opens in Hague
04-29-96 Chernobyl as a metaphor for the 1990s 04-26-96 Divorced from Reality 04-23-96 Racist Psychology Lecturer Faces Ban 04-21-96 Massacre at Qana 04-17-96 Israel's 'Peace', Lebanon's devastation 04-16-96 The Wrath of 'Peace' 04-10-96 Lesson in democracy? 04-01-96 Treating Women as Walking Wombs
03-23-96 More Mad Cow Madness 03-22-96 The General Election and the Question of State Power 03-15-96 After Dunblane 03-13-96 US Warships out of East Asia! 03-10-96 Look Who's Stalking 03-05-96 Sperm: do men measure up today? 03-04-96 Who's Afraid of Pat Buchanan?
02-22-96 Oil Spills and Ecodoom Mongers 02-22-96 Living Marxism Accused of 'Holocaust Denial' 02-22-96 We Don't Want Asylum but an Open Door 02-10-96 A Blast from the Past? 02-10-96 After Scott: Judges Rule 02-09-96 The Net-nanny State 02-06-96 Are Teen Magazines Obscene? 02-06-96 Schools Row
01-25-96 Ireland: an election without democracy 01-23-96 Who has a stake in Singapore's 'stakeholder economy'? 01-19-96 The Right To Be Offensive 01-16-96 Is Socialist Labour an Alternative? 01-10-96 Killing China's Independence 01-06-96 Killings in Ireland: is the peace process dead? 01-06-96 An attack on free speech
2-18-95 No Return to Communism in the CIS 12-14-95 Brixton: that was no riot 12-05-95 Princess Diana: Queen of Victims