Gunnar Hökmark

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Gunnar Hökmark is a Swedish MEP. He is the Chairman of the Steering Group of European Friends of Israel (EFI) in the European Parliament and President of the Swedish-Israel Friendship Association. His biography from his personal website can be found here

European Friends of Israel

Hökmark's speech at the launch of EFI states:

Tonight, when we together are launching European Friends of Israel we have made history and we shall change the political agenda of the European Union.

I believe EFI can help us change the debate in our parliaments, by both identifying and indeed helping many more colleagues who think like we do. Wherever in Europe we may have been elected, we all recognise the strength of the bonds that our continent shares with Israel. Many Israelis have their roots here. Israel is our natural ally in democratic freedom and human rights in the Middle East. It is a strong trading partner. The historical, cultural, economic and political bonds between us are profound.

Let it be said here tonight, once and for all, the oppressed people of the Middle East are not oppressed by anyone else than by their own oppressors. Not by Israel, not by US, not by European Union. When we are defending the democracy of Israel we are at the same time standing up for the freedom of all people in the Middle East, wherever they live. Our support to Israel it not at the cost of anyone but to the benefit of everyone, may he or she be Arab, Palestinian, Iranian or Lebanese. It is their right to democracy as well as the Israelis we are defending, against their own dictatorships.


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