Simon Wessely

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Simon Wessely, born 1956 in Sheffield, is Professor of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at King’s and Maudsley Hospitals. According to his King College London web page “His research interests are in the grey areas between medicine and psychiatry, clinical epidemiology, psychiatric injury and military health ... has covered epidemiology, post traumatic stress, psychological debriefing, chronic fatigue syndrome, history, chronic pain, somatisation, Gulf War illness, military health and terrorism”.[1]

Wessely has published extensively on M.E/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, researching “many aspects of the illness, including biochemistry, epidemiology, history, immunology, neuroimaging, neurology, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, virology and other areas”.[2]

Wife, Dr Clare Gerada, Vice-Chair of Royal College of General Practitioners.[3]


Director, King’s Centre for Military Health Research (MHR). MHR's funders include the Ministry of Defence, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Reuters, the BBC, the Economic and Social Research Council and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.[4]

Advisor in Psychiatry for British Army Medical Services; Chair, Nato Working Group on Psychosocial Consequences of Chem/Bio Terrorism; Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel on Emergency Response (SAPER) and Defence Scientific Advisory Council (DSAC);[5] Science Media Centre, Science Advisory Panel;[6] Trustee, Combat Stress Charity;[7] Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences[8]

Record and controversies


Conflicts of interest

Personal information






  1. Kings College LondonInstitute of Psychiatry Staff, accessed 21 November 2010
  2. Kings College LondonInstitute of Psychiatry Staff, accessed 21 November 2010
  3. The Royal College of General PractitionersAbout Us
  4. King's College London website[1], accessed 21 November 2010
  5. Kings College LondonInstitute of Psychiatry Staff, accessed 21 November 2010
  6. Science Media CentreAbout Us, accessed 21 November 2010
  7. Combat StressOur Patrons and Trustees, accessed 21 November 2010
  8. The Academy of Medical SciencesFellows, accessed 21 November 2010