Globalisation:Taxpayers' Alliance
Ross McLauchlan Catherine MacDonald Angela Devine Katie Blair
- Globalisation:Taxpayers' Alliance: Policy Exchange
- Globalisation:Taxpayers' Alliance: Stockholm Network
- Globalisation:Taxpayers' Alliance: Funding
- Globalisation:Taxpayers' Alliance: People
- Globalisation:Taxpayers' Alliance: Democracy and Think Tanks
- Globalisation:Taxpayers' Alliance: Impact of the Taxpayers' Alliance
The History and Ideology of the Taxpayers' Alliance
The TaxPayers' Alliance (TPA) is a British pressure group who formed to tackle the lack of an adequate taxpayers’ organisation in the UK. Founded in 2004 by Andrew Allum, Matthew Elliott and Florence Heath, the Taypayers’ Alliance is Britain's independent, non-partisan campaign for low a tax society and better services.[1] Starting out as a volunteer operation, the TPA first came to the attention of the national media with the publication of the first “Bumper Book of Government Waste”. The reception of this research, alongside the strong support led to a rapid and sustained expansion.[2] With a full-time team of staff working out of its office in the heart of Westminster, the TPA has firmly established itself as the country's leading voice on transparency and accountability in government; with registered supporters increasing from 5,000 in its first year to a current figure of almost 60,000 supporters. The TPA has also been at the forefront of campaigns against MPs' expenses abuses, the need for public spending transparency, the growth of the quango state, the costs and wastefulness of the EU, and excessive executive public sector pay, among others.[3]
The TaxPayers' Alliance is Britain's independent grassroots campaign for lower taxes. After years of being ignored by politicians of all parties, the TPA is committed to forcing politicians to listen to ordinary taxpayers. The mission of the TPA is "to reverse the perception that big government is necessary and irreversible; to explain the benefits of a low tax economy; to give taxpayers a voice in the corridors of power; to oppose EU tax harmonisation.[4] To this end, the TaxPayers' Alliance intends to: oppose all tax rises; oppose EU tax harmonisation; criticise all examples of wasteful and unnecessary spending; and champion opportunities for votes on tax and spending.[5]
Juxtaposed with their campaign against the misuse of public funds, the Taxpayers' Alliance has set up a charity under a different name which can secure subsidies from the taxman worth up to 40% on individuals' donations. Their charitable arm received donations worth £373,230 in 2008 and approved 29 grant proposals amounting to £278,520 with the stated aim "to advance the education of the public" and to "promote for the public benefit research into matters of public taxation, public policy, applied economics and political science". Unusually for a charitable trust, the accounts do not name the grant recipients.[6] The former deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, stated: "The Taxpayers' Alliance appears to be exploiting the taxpayer rather than protecting their interests as they claim to do; they have now become properly the non-taxpayers' alliance".[7]
Subsequently TPA has recently come under scrutiny from the Charity Commission following these claims that the TPA was using a charitable branch of its organisation, the Politics and Economics Research trust, to fund politically motivated research.[8] When confronted about these allegations, Elliott declined to comment. "I will talk about the work of the Taxpayers' Alliance, I will talk about Christmas, but I don't want to talk about this," he said. "We are confident that our funding arrangements fall within the law and the guidance of the Charity Commission".[9]
The Charity Commission's guidelines on campaigning and political activity state that "an organisation will not be charitable if its purposes are political". It states that trustees must not allow the charity to be used as a vehicle for the expression of the political views of any individual trustee or staff member.[10] Moreover, Despite the alleged non-partisan nature of the TPA, it has been accused of being a Conservative Party "front”; with all three founders and a number of TPA staff members being affiliated with the Conservative Party and have strong links with the Freedom Association. Alliance backers, such as Anthony Bamford, a director of Staffordshire-based JC Bamford, have also donated large sums of money to the Conservative Party. However, the group's leadership has denied such an affiliation with the Conservative party.[11].
The critics of the TPA ask how close it is to the Tory party hierarchy which seems to have adopted some of its radical ideas.[12] "The idea of tearing down the walls of big government as Cameron did in his speech on Thursday is something we have been talking about for years," said its chief executive, Matthew Elliott, yesterday.[13] Furthermore, George Osborne's public sector pay freeze was recommended by the TPA last month and Elliott, who describes himself as "a free-market libertarian", said he had been "banging on about" the idea that no public worker should earn more than the prime minister without the chancellor's approval long before Osborne announced it.[14]
A Guardian investigation has found that a large part of its funds come from wealthy donors, many of whom are prominent supporters of the Conservative party. Sixty per cent of donations come from individuals or groups giving more than £5,000. The Midlands Industrial Council, which has donated £1.5m to the Conservatives since 2003, said it has given around £80,000 on behalf of 32 owners of private companies. Tony Gallagher, owner of Gallagher UK, a property company that gave the Conservatives £250,000 in 2007, is a member of the MIC, as is Christopher Kelly who owns the international haulage firm Keltruck, and Robert Edmiston who owns IM Group, a large car importer.[15] Other businessmen named by the TPA as supporters include spread betting tycoon Stuart Wheeler who gave £5m to the Conservatives before he endorsed the UK Independance party.[16]
Furthermore, Florence Heath, co-founder, "led the student Conservative association at Imperial College for two years as well as the Europe-wide European Young Conservatives, and served on the committee of the local Conservative associations, Conservative friends of Gibraltar." Matthew Sinclair, research director, writes something that was nominated for "the Conservative Home Best Young Conservative Blogger award"." Maria Fort, policy analyst, has "a passion for Conservative politics".[17]
- Andrew Allum Chairman and co-founder of the TPA.Allums profile on the TPA website informs us that he "Imperial College where he graduated with a First in Physics." and that "Andrew led the student Conservative groups both in Imperial College and across London and sat on the national committee of the student wing of the party." Finally that between "1998 to 2002 Andrew served as a Conservative member of Westminster City Council. He left the party in 2003, having lost faith that it represented his brand of free market, individualist and compassionate politics."[18]
- Matthew Elliot Chief Executive and co-founder of the TPA.Matthew Elliot appears to be the main spokesperson for the TPA. Rather than promote their views in a traditional way the TPA “decided the best way to get their message across in the current media and political was to launch a campaign.” that was “packaged and sold to the media” and “specialises in using the government's own data and Freedom of Information requests to winkle out examples of public sector waste; packaging it up into brief, media-friendly research papers, complete with an eye-catching headline figure to give reporters a ready-made "top line".” Mr Elliot states "So when we present them with some primary source material, it's guaranteed to be a good story." . [19]
The Guardian reports that Mr Elliot is to front a campaign on behalf of the Conservative Party against the alternative vote system, NO 2 AV. The Coalition Government plan to hold a referendum in May 2011 on the preferred voting system.The option of revising the traditional first past the post, with the alternative vote system favoured by the liberal democrats. [20]The The Guardian makes further suggestions that Mr Elliots appointment could weaken the Tory Lib Dem coalition because of his “ to educate a new generation of Tory MPs and ministers in the benefits of a smaller state and lower tax bill.” .”[21]
Guardian also reports that,“Elliott, who will stand down as the TPA's spokesman in October, has always denied charges that the alliance – which takes a vocal, populist stance against higher taxes, state activity and the EU – is a "Tory front organisation". But both he and key TPA colleagues have close personal links with the party and with the Tory tabloids.”[22]
Despite denials of links with the conservative party Mr Elliot is a regular contributor to CentreRight .com, the web page claims that “ is a hub for the British conservative movement.” It is a ”multiple-authored blog written by some of the best conservative thinkers and commentators around.”[23] can be found at The website states that “It's independent of the Conservative Party but supportive of it.” Also that it “aims to provide comprehensive coverage of Britain's Conservative Party.”[24]
Futhermore the conservative home members panel awarded Matthew Elliot and the taxpayers' alliance The One to Watch award "For championing the beleaguered taxpayer at a time when all mainstream political parties are failing to offer significant relief from Britain's record tax burden." in2007.[25]
Matthew Elliot was presented with the Conservative Way Forward ‘One of Us’ award by William Hague in 2007.[26] “The Conservative Way Forward was founded in 1991 to defend and build upon the achievements of the Conservative Party under the leadership of our Honorary President Lady Thatcher, and to adapt the principles of her era in government to modern concerns and challenges.”The website also proclaims “David Cameron has described them as "the largest and most effective pressure group within the Conservative movement today"..”[27], The website also list a number of celebrated conservative Members of Parliament and former Cabinet ministers as it friends inclusive of; The Rt Hon Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven LG OM FRS,Christopher Chope OBE MP,The Rt Hon David Davis MP,Dr Liam Fox MP,The Rt Hon William Hague MP,The Rt Hon Lord Parkinson of Carnforth,The Rt Hon Lord Tebbit of Chingford CH. Questioning furthermore the links between the TPA and the Conservative Party.
Elliot is also the cheif excecutive of Big Brother Watch,a campaign"Fighting intrusions on privacy and protecting civil liberties"supported by the TPA.[28]
Matthew Elliott was president of libertarian student organisation Hayek Society, London School of Economics in 1999-2000. The aim of this“is to defend and promote classical liberalism and free market economics, while encouraging the free-flow of ideas.”[29]
- Florence Heath is one of the Co-Founders of the Taxpayers’ Alliance and a grassroots campaigner .She grew up in France and came to London to study at Imperial College where she read Geology and completed a Masters in Petroleum Geology. Heath has documented her political activates in her profile at the Taxpayers’ Alliance, where it is affirms that she “…led the student Conservative association at Imperial College for two years as well as the Europe-wide European Young Conservatives, and served on the committees of the local Conservative associations, Conservative Friends of Gibraltar and the cross-party Youth for a Free Europe. She has also been closely involved with the International Young Democrats Union.”[30]
- Sara Rainwater Operations Director
- Emma Bennett Executive Assistant
- Jennifer DunnPolicy, Analyst, Transport and the Environment
- Lee RotherhamPolicy, Analyst, EU
- Mike DenhamResearch, FellowCampaigns
- Emma Boon, Campaign Manager
- Fiona McEvoy, West Midlands Campaign Agent
- Matthew Sinclair Director
- John O'Connell Deputy Research Director.
- florence heath is married to matthew elliot and her father is linked to a scandal about tpa board member who does not live in britain.
The Other Tax Payers Alliance
The Other Tax Payers Alliance are a left-wing group who oppose the ideas of the Tax Payers Alliance. They state that what Britain needs is fairer, more proportionate taxes rather than lower ones. For example they support higher taxes for the most highly paid and the closing down of tax havens. The other tax payers alliance does not receive funding and is run by volunteers. They do not suggest that they are a representation of the views of all tax payers.[31] The Other Tax Payers Alliance claim that the TPA is a right leaning group who do not represent the majority of tax payers. Although they claim to represent ordinary tax payers they also state that they have 20,000 supporters. This makes up only 0.04% of the adults living in Britain. [32]
Campaign and Issues
"The TPA's mission is:
• To reverse the perception that big government is necessary and irreversible • To explain the benefits of a low tax economy • To give taxpayers a voice in the corridors of power"
and they will do this by;
• Oppose all tax rises • Oppose EU tax harmonisation • Criticise all examples of wasteful and unnecessary spending • Champion opportunities for votes on tax and spending [33]
The TPA carries out research into public spending, taxation and broader economic policy. The alliance claims to be a primary source which is used by ordinary people as well as media workers and academics.[34] For example, the TPA may research issues such as MP's Expenses abuses and the cost of wastefullness of the E.U. It claims to be an non-partisan in it's campaigns and research.[35]
In recent years the TPA has became one of the most frequently quoted pressure groups in the UK media. The alliance has approximately ten hits per day in the print media. This includes articles covering MP's expenses, the cost of crime and local government salaries.[36] However, it has been stated by The Independent that the TPA seems to be taking on much of the work load which would be expected to be carried out by journalists. The Independent suggest that the TPA have created their own media profile by writing articles and including their own headlines for newspapers to print. The TPA claims that the reason for this is that journalists have too much work to do and don't have time to read reports from pressure groups.
The Independant goes on to discuss the view of Paul Lashmar of University College of Falmouth who sees a clear connection between the TPA's influence and the every day pressures of news organisations. He claims that news groups no longer have enough time to carry out the necessary extensive research for the articles they write. They need groups like the TPA to take on tasks such as calling round MP's to ask for their individual opinions on an issue. [37]
The TPA construct their stories in a way that will encourage the public to take an interest in the issues they discuss and furthermore encourage the public to be in favour of the TPA. For example, by ranking local councils by which wastes most money the TPA are focussing on creating an interest among a particular group. [38]
- ↑ Taxpayers' Alliance History, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Taxpayers' Alliance History, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Taxpayers' Alliance History, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Taxpayers' Alliance History, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Taxpayers' Alliance History, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Taxpayers' Alliance History], accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Taxpayers' Alliance History] accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ Robert Booth Tory tax allies 'subsidised' by the taxpayer: Taxpayers' Alliance accused of using charitable arm to claim gift aid 20 December 2009, accessed 16/11/2010
- ↑ "[1]"Taxpayers alliance webpage, accessed the 15th of November 2010
- ↑ ”[]”Brian Wheeler 3rd of March 2008, accessed 4th of November 2010
- ↑ "[2]"The Guardian,22nd of August 2010, accessed 19 October 2010
- ↑ ”Michael White[3]”The Guardian,22nd of August 2010, accessed 19 October 2010
- ↑ ”Michael White[4]”The Guardian,22nd of August 2010, accessed 19 October 2010
- ↑ ”[5]”Accessed 27th of October 2010
- ↑ ”[]” Accessed 1st of November 2010
- ↑ ”[6]Conservativehome webpage Accessed 2nd of November 2010
- ↑ ” [7]”accessed 2nd of November 2010
- ↑ ”[]” Conservative way forward website, Accessed 2nd of November 2010
- ↑ [8]Accessed25thOctober2010
- ↑ ”[9]Hayek LSE accessed 2nd of November 2010
- ↑ ”[]” taxpayers alliance website accessed 5th of November 2010
- ↑ About us Accessed 16 November 2010
- ↑ What’s wrong with the Tax Payers Alliance? The Other Tax Payers Alliance Web Page Accessed 16 November 2010.
- ↑ "[10]" taxpayers' alliance webpage accessed2nd of november 2010
- ↑ Research Archive Tax Payers Alliance, Accessed 22 October 2010
- ↑ HistoryTax Payers Alliance Accessed 22 October 2010
- ↑ Jamie Merrill How the Taxpayers' Alliance is making headlines Independant Accessed 1 November 2010
- ↑ Jamie Merrill How the Taxpayers' Alliance is making headlines Independant Accessed 1 November 2010
- ↑ Jamie Merrill How the Taxpayers' Alliance is making headlines Independant Accessed 1 November 2010