Globalisation:Media Smart:Activities

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Media Smart recently launched a new set of independently drawn up teaching materials (Be Adwise 2), which aim to build up children’s literacy skills with regard to the digital media, which are of growing importance in their lives. The programme has received extensive government and stakeholder support and is being requested by a large number of schools in the UK. [1]


TAG THE ADVERTISEMENT- 45 adverts appear when walking down a virtual street the player has to click on every advertisement they notice. Including in shop window displays, the sides of lorries and on televisions evoking how many we bypass each day without much consideration.

ADVERTING CHALLENGE – Linking individuals to certain brands, showing celebrity culture sells brands. Media Smarts feature Bill Board, Maggie Zeen and Ray deo linking their favourite pastimes to the object that it requires

MAKE YOUR OWN BRAND- Making an interactive version of yourself or others the player creates their own clothes logo and slogan to appear on their interactive self featuring on a television advert, action figure or t-shirt. [2]


Link To Globalisation:Media Smart

  1. Responsible Advertising, [1]
  2. Brand Me[2] Accessed 20/10/2010