Mujahideen-e Khalq

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The Mujahedin-e-Khalq (translation: People's Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI) is an Iranian exile organization officially declared a 'terrorist' organization both in the United States and Iran. [1] Through its front group,[2][3] National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), it has been the main conduit for publicising Israeli intelligence on Iran's nuclear programme. [4]

Other Names for MEK include The National Liberation Army of Iran Muslim Iranian Student's Society.


Beginning as an anti-Shah movement in the 1950s, the MEK became the most militaristic opposition movement in Iran during the Shah's regime and continues this policy with the current Iranian government. The MEK reportedly conducted attacks on US officials and civilians in Iran during the 1970s, and in 1981 claimed responsibility for the murders of 70 high-ranking Iranian officials after bombing Iranian government buildings. This act led to a widespread crackdown on all opposition movements in Iran during the time, with thousands of people being tortured and executed. After this time surviving MEK members fled to Paris and Iraq and turned into a completely reactionary movement, embracing the main goal of overthrowing the Islamic government in Iran through violent means. In Iraq the MEK assisted Saddam Hussein's government in suppressing Shias and Kurds and continued to perform "security services" for the Iraqi government after.[5]

Support from Progressives

Even though the MEK has

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  1. 'Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization',
  2. Rostam Pourzal, "MEK Tricks US Progressives, Gains Legitimacy", Monthly Review, 26 May 2006
  3. Department of State, "Citation: 373 F.3d 152", FTP Resource, accessed on 24 September 2010
  4. Claude Salhani, 'Analysis: Israel 'Can Destroy' Iran Nukes', Space War, 11 January, 2006. (Accessed 3 April, 2009)
  5. MIPT, "Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MeK) Group Profile", MIPT Terrorism Knowledgebase, accessed on 24 September 2010