Westminster 2010

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Westminster 2010 is a declaration intended "to appeal to UK Christians of all denominations who subscribe to the historic Christian faith and who hold orthodox Christian beliefs about life, marriage and conscience."[1]

The Guardian''s Andrew Brown has argued that the declaration represents the emergence of "the multicultural Christian right" in Britain.[2]

It is nationalist, socially conservative, suspicious of markets, critical of Islam, authoritarian … but what distinguishes it from Ukip, or even the BNP, is that it has a large and powerful black membership. The figureheads of the movement are two retired Anglican bishops, Lord Carey, who used to be archbishop of Canterbury and still carries on as if he ought to be, and Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, who resigned last year as bishop of Rochester.


Key signatories



  1. About Westminster 2010, Westminster 2010, accessed 20 April 2010.
  2. Andrew Brown, The multicultural Christian right, guardian.co.uk, 5 April 2010.