Julia Manning

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Julia Manning is the founder and director of 2020health.org, a web-based centre right think tank for health and social care, set up in 2006 to 'uniquely focus on bottom-up policy development by front line professionals. [1]


According to the Sunday Times, Manning is a close adviser to the Tory leadership, and in January 2010 hosted a "Cameron Direct" town hall meeting for him.Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

Manning was a prospective Conservative MP candidate for Gosport in late 2009. "I got involved in politics because I was furious at the way that government was treating our public services." [2]


  • Director of the Institute of Optometry
  • Founder member of the British Association of Behavioural Optometrists
  • Blogs for CentreRight.com
  • Lambeth PCT Professional Executive Committee (2004-07) [3]

Personal information


Manning was educated at Portsmouth High School and did her degree at City University in Optometry and Visual Science, graduating in 1990. She became a community optometrist, working first in Hertfordshire and then London, 'specialising in lens and refraction clinics at the Royal Free Hospital, and diabetes.[4]


Address: 83 Victoria Street London SW1H OHW
Phone: 020 3170 7702 or 020 3170 7703
Mobile: 07973 312358
Website: http://www.2020health.org/about_us_people.html
Twitter: http://twitter.com/juliamanning
Blog: http://juliamanning.wordpress.com/


Blog: http://2020health.wordpress.com/


  1. 2020health.org,People: Julia Manning BSc (Hons) MCOptom WCDC, accessed 14 September 2010.
  2. Julia Manning, one of Gosport's prospective Conservative MP candidates, outlines her plans
  3. Julia Manning LinkedIn profile (accessed 14 September 2010)
  4. Julia Manning LinkedIn profile (accessed 14 September 2010)