Positif Politics

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Positif Politics is a Cardiff-based public affairs company established in 2006.


Positif Politics is a member of the Association of Professional Political Consultants (APPC) and Public Affairs Cymru (PAC).


External consultants


Fee-Paying clients

(for whom UK PA consultancy services provided this quarter)

ABPI Wales Industry Group | Angles Consulting | Automatic Vending Association | Beacon for Wales | Big Lottery Fund | British Association of Social Workers | British Heart Foundation | Community Development Cymru | Consumer Focus Wales | Energy Saving Trust | Federation of Small Businesses Wales | General Medical Council | Heritage Lottery Fund | Kidney Wales Foundation | Lloyds Pharmacy | Mencap | National Museum of Wales | Newport Transport | Optometry Wales | Parkinson’s Disease Society | Pfizer | Public Trust Partnership | RNIB Cymru | RSPCA | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | Samaritans | Scope | Sport Wales | S4/C | Tenovus | Welsh Council for Voluntary Action Voices for Change project | Working Links

Fee-Paying Clients

(for whom only UK monitoring services provided this quarter)

Ash Wales | Asthma UK Cymru | Barnardos Cymru | BMA Cymru Wales | BMS | British Waterways | Chartered Society of Physiotherapy | Citizens Advice Cymru | College of Occupational Therapists | Contact a Family | Environment Agency Wales | Legal Services Commission | Macmillan Cancer Support | Older People’s Commissioner for Wales | Sanofi Aventis | Shelter Cymru | Signature

Pro-Bono Clients

(for whom consultancy and/or monitoring services have been provided this quarter)

Disabled Children Matter Wales | Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens

Contact, Resources, Notes


Address: Positif Politics
First Floor
104-105 Bute St
CF10 5AD
Website: http://www.positifpolitics.co.uk/pages/index.asp



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