Christians United for Israel

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<youtube size="tiny" align="right" caption="The Christians United for Israel Tour">mjMRgT5o-Ig</youtube> Established in 2006, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is an active American Christian Zionist lobbying organization founded by John Hagee. The CUFI lobbies US congressman and Americans to support Israel using biblical reasoning. Hagee has stated that he would like to Hagee says he would like to see CUFI become "the Christian version of AIPAC."[1]


CUFI on Campus

According to the CUFI on Campus website, the CUFI "actively develops politically-minded student leaders and equips them to become effective advocates for Israel on their college campus."[2]


Links and Resources


  1. Max Blumenthal, "Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism", The Nation, 8 August 2006
  2. CUFI on Campus, About, CUFI on Campus Website, accessed on 30 August 2010