International Aluminium Institute

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The IAI is the Global Forum for the world's top Aluminium Producers. They have 27 Member companies, represented on the IAI Board of Directors by their CEO's. The 27 companies make up 80% of world primary aluminium production [1].


The IAI's key objectives are to increase the aluminium market, to cooperate with national aluminium associations on common problems, to lobby on behalf of the aluminium industry to international agencies, to increase recycling and environmentally sound practices, and to promote aluminium as an environmentally sound and clean metal[2].



Like the Aluminium Association, the European Aluminium Association, the Aluminium Federation, International Council on Mining and Metals and other aluminium lobbying bodies and associations, the IAI is active in protecting the industry's reputation in view of its polluting and energy intensive processes, especially given climate change awareness and policy.

The IAI website states;

Through the IAI, the aluminium industry aims to promote a wider understanding of its activities and demonstrate its responsibility in relation to all key sustainability issues - environmental, health, safety and recycling[3].

In contrast, evidence shows the aluminium industry as a major polluter and human rights abuser. Aluminium production contributes 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions and uses 1300 tons of water and 13.1 tons of CO2 for every one ton of aluminium produced[4]. It is also the most energy intensive metal to produce, relying heavily on large hydro electric projects which have massive social and environmental consequences[5].

Recycling aluminium is 95% more efficient than producing new aluminium but still takes the same amount of energy as producing new steel [6] Major aluminium producer Alcoa sources only 20% of its aluminium from recycling. Overall recycling rates are 33% and, according to US Aluminium Association figures, going down[7]. Approximately 30% of aluminium is used for arms manufacture and defense[8].

The human rights abuses of aluminium companies have also been well documented. Rio Tinto was named 'probably the most uncaring and ruthless company in the world' in a House of Commons debate in 1998[9]. In 1998 a Honduras Alcoa car parts factory was accused of treating workers worse than sweatshops. According to Krater and Rose;

The basic pay of 74 cents an hour covered 37% of an average family’s most essential needs, and in the last three years, wages fell by 13%. Workers would be forced to urinate and defecate in their clothes after being repeatedly denied to use the bathroom and women would have to take off clothes to prove they were menstruating. Protests by workers in 2007 led to 90% of the trade union leaders being fired[10].

Board of Directors

The board of directors is made up of the CEOs of each of the 27 member companies.



Member Companies


  1. International Aluminium Institute About Accessed 21/07/10
  2. International Aluminium Institute About Accessed 21/07/10
  3. International Aluminium Institute About Accessed 21/07/10
  4. Jaap Krater and Miriam Rose, 'Development of Iceland’s geothermal energy potential for aluminium production– a critical analysis',In: Abrahamsky, K. (ed) (2009). Sparking a World-wide Energy Revolution: Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post-Petrol World. AK Press, Edinburgh.
  5. Patrick McCully, 2001 'Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams' Zed Books.
  6. Das, S. and Padel, F. 2010,'Out of this earth: East India Adivasis and the aluminium cartel' Orient Blackswan
  7. Institute, C.R., 2006. Aluminum can sales and recycling in the US 1996-2006 Accessed 12-12-2008
  8. Clapham, M., UK Parliament, House of Commons. 1998. Rio Tinto Corporation. Early day motion 1194.HMSO, London.
  9. ICEM. ICEM News release No. 24/1998. British Legislators Condemn Rio Tinto Accessed 21/07/10
  10. Jaap Krater and Miriam Rose, 'Development of Iceland’s geothermal energy potential for aluminium production– a critical analysis',In: Abrahamsky, K. (ed) (2009). Sparking a World-wide Energy Revolution: Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post-Petrol World. AK Press, Edinburgh.
  11. IAI News Accessed 21/07/10
  12. International Aluminium Institute About, Members Accessed 21/07/10