Hugh Hanning

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Hugh Hanning, (1974) Director of Studies for the British Atlantic Committee, wrote in the Daily 1985[1] arguing for an aggressive, expansionist British military posture (’an extrovert defence policy’). This is apparently known as ‘horizon stretching’ in Whitehall[2] Leader-writer, Westminster Press, 1951-1960; defence correspondent, ITN, 1961; consultant, International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1964-1970; defence correspondent, Observer, 1963; defence correspondent, Guardian, 1967-1969; advisor to Ministry of Defence, NATO and US Government; Deputy Director of the Royal United Services Institute, 1967-1970; Director of the British Atlantic Committee, 1975-1982; founder member of the Intermediate Technology Development Group, 1967; founder member of the International Peace Academy, New York, 1970; mission to Biafra with Leonard Cheshire, 1969; International Secretary, Church of England, 1972-1980.[3]
