Francesca Ficai

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Francesca Ficai is a former senior researcher with the Stockholm Network (SN) of market-oriented think tanks.[1] Ficai joined the SN in October 2006 following a spell working for two Labour MP's in Westminster. Prior to this she worked for the European Commission, working for the DG Regional Policy and had a spell with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in the tax department.


Stockholm Network | European Commission | PriceWaterhouseCoopers


  • Francesca Ficai; Jacob Arfwedson; Johnny Munkhammar; Brian Crowley; Pavel Hrobon; Pat Cox; Arne Bjomberg; Jan Remans; Anders Sandberg, (2007), Unlocking Ideas: Essays from the Amigo Society, Stockholm Network, 15-February-2007, ISBN-10: 0954766393, ISBN-13: 978-0954766399
  • Meir Pugatch & Francesca Ficai, An Introduction to Health Technology Assessment, The Stockholm Network, Accessed 29-June-2010


  1. Meir Pugatch & Francesca Ficai, An Introduction to Health Technology Assessment, The Stockholm Network, Accessed 29-June-2010