Hugh Johnstone
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Hugh Johnstone was a British Army officer who testified in the ABC trial in November 1977:
- It is probably a measure of the inward-turning nature of court proceedings that nobody involved - the prosecutor, the clerk, the magistrates, the Colonel or myself - realised that Colonel B, the expert in secrecy, was comprehensively blowing his own cover. Behind our backs, a bearded reporter from Peace News was the first to the door, hot-foot to the British Library to look up The Wire for December 74-January 75. In no time the Colonel's real name was discovered, as was the fact that he was listed under it, with his actual home address, in the London telephone directory. Soon articles appeared in Peace News and The Leveller with headlines like 'Who are you trying to kid, Colonel H A Johnstone?'[1]
- ↑ Geoffrey Robertson, The Justice Game, Vintage, 1999, Ch.5, archived at, accessed 15 June 2010.