Ellie Lee

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Ellie Lee is associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network. She has written for Living Marxism,[1] is an editor for Debating Matters[2] and writes regularly for Spiked.[3] She is the founder of Parenting Culture Studies.

She is a lecturer in social policy at the University of Kent and the co-ordinator of Pro-Choice Forum, which publicises abortion issues.[4]


  1. George Monbiot, Invasion of the entryists, The Guardian, 9 Dec 2003, acc 24 May 2010
  2. Ellie Lee, Institute of Ideas website, 24 May 2010
  3. "Articles by Ellie Lee", Spiked website, accessed 2 May 2010
  4. Ellie Lee, Institute of Ideas website, 24 May 2010