Center for Security Policy
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The Center for Security Policy is a far right organisation which operates with the tagline 'promoting peace through strength', by which they appear to mean that global US dominance is the route to peace. The Center's director Frank Gaffney is a columnist with the Washington Times, the right wing paper owned by the Rev Moon.
Center for Security Policy Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board
- James T. deGraffenreid Chairman & President, HP Associates
- M.D.B. Carlisle Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs, and former Chief of Staff to Senator Thad Cochran
- Terry Elkes Principal & Co-Owner, Apollo Partners, LLC
- Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. President, Center for Security Policy
- Lt. Col. Marlin L. Hefti, USMC (Ret.) Vice President, Van Scoyoc Associates
- Charles M. Kupperman
- Dominic J. Monetta President, Resource Alternatives, Inc.
- David P. Steinmann Managing Director, American Securities, L.P.
- Allen M. Taylor, Esq. Chairman Emeritus, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation