Meir Pugatch
Dr. Meir Perez Pugatch is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Haifa, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences in the School of Public Health. He is the Director of Research & Head of the Intellectual Property and Competition Programme for the Stockholm Network, and the Editor of Know-IP, the network’s monthly bulletin on intellectual property. Since 2003, he has been the chair of the Pfizer Forum For Public Health. In 2008, he was the Chairman of the Intellectual Property Grant Committee Postgraduate Research Grants In the Field of Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Rights - A Joint Collaboration between the Stockholm Network, Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute and Maastricht University, Faculty of Law. He has been a member of the Economic Advisory Group for the European Patent Office; co-chaired SCIAN’s Intellectual Property Research Review Project for The Institute for Scientific Policy Analysis; been an IP consultant for the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE); and an IP consultant for Timbro.[1]
Participation in Conferences[2]
- The Future of Healthcare Reform in Slovenia? in 2008: a Stockholm Network event in association with the Joze Pucnik Institute, the major liberal-conservative think tank in Slovenia.
- Evidence-Based Policy in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights: Using Cutting-Edge Research to Improve Intellectual Property Policymaking in 2008: a joint workshop by the OECD and the Stockholm Network.
- The Process and Impact of the WHO Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property – An Assessmentin 2008: a joint workshop
by the Stockholm Network and the Maastricht University Faculty of Law.
- Are your Medicines Safe? – Counterfeits, Intellectual Property and the Future of
Innovationin 2008: a joint workshop by the Stockholm Network and EVA, 'a policy and pro-market think-tank financed by the Finnish business community'.[3]
- Cost Pressures on the German Health System – Is Health Technology Assessment the Solution? in 2008: a joint event by the Stockholm Network and the Institute for
Free Enterprise.
- Life Sciences Symposium – Intellectual Property and Life Science Regulation – a joint
workshop by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Stockholm Network in 2007.
- The Day After Tomorrow: The Legal, Economic and Technological Implications of the Ruling on Microsoft vs. the European Commission in 2007: a joint seminar by Managing
Intellectual Property Magazine and the Stockholm Network.
- Defining the Public Interest in Intellectual Property in 2007: a joint event by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the Stockholm
Network and Public Interest-Intellectual Property Advisors (PIIPA).
- Stockholm Network Amigo Society Meeting on the Lisbon Agenda in 2007.
- Debating Pharmaceutical IPRs in 2007: a joint workshop by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Stockholm Network.
- The Gower’s Review of Intellectual Property in 2007: a joint seminar by Managing Intellectual Property Magazine and the Stockholm Network.
- ↑ Dr. Meir Perez Pugatch.Pugatch CV Accessed 21 April 2010.
- ↑ Dr. Meir Perez Pugatch.Pugatch CV Accessed 21 April 2010.
- ↑ EVCA. EVA Accessed 21 April 2010.