Horizon Scanning and Response Team

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The Horizon Scanning and Response Team is part of the Civil contingencies Secretariat in the Cabinet Office.

According to the Cabinet Office its role is as follows:

The role of the Horizon Scanning and Response Team is to assess circumstances that may precipitate an emergency, communicate our assessment to the key decision-makers and other parts of CCS and assist in developing an integrated response. Five specialist desks cover the full range of disruptive challenges, each with its own networks of contacts and up to the minute sources of information.
Departments and other organisations have an interest in spotting risks that could affect their own operations. When they spot something that could potentially develop into an emergency they alert CCS. Conversely if the Horizon Scanning and Response Team picks up signals either directly or from one of its other contacts, it will share and discuss the indications with relevant partners in Government Departments and elsewhere. Together we aim to reach a view of the potential challenge that takes into account all relevant perspectives to reach an assessment of likelihood, impact and readiness.
Written assessments will go forward to the cross-government Domestic Horizon Scanning Committee (DHSC) and once approved will be issued to senior government officials and ministers as an agreed assessment on which to base decisions and planning. The Domestic Horizon Scanning Committee may commission assessments on specific subjects.
During emergencies there is likely to be a need to produce more regular and immediate assessments of how the emergency is developing, again taking into account the information from all relevant partners. This supports activities in COBR - the Cabinet Office Briefing Room - and the CCS Co-ordination Centre, which are designed to deliver an integrated government response.[1]

See also


  1. Cabinet Office Horizon Scanning and Response Team, accessed 6 March 2010