Demos USA

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Demos USA is the US arm of Demos the Market friendly New Labour Think tank.

Board of Trustees

Stephen Heintz is President of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and former President of Demos. He has also served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the EastWest Institute, where from 1990-2000, he worked and lived in Eastern Europe helping in the transition to democracy. Mr. Heintz has also served in the State of Connecticut as both the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Commissioner of the Department of Income Maintenance.

TOM CAMPBELL* Tom Campbell is currently the Director of Finance for the State of California. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Campbell served as the Dean of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. He was formerly a professor at Stanford Law School and a five-term Republican U.S. Congressman from the Silicon Valley in California. From 1981-83 he served as Director of the Bureau of Competition at the Federal Trade Commission and from 1989-1991 as a White House Fellow in the Office of the White House Chief of Staff.

ROBERT FRANKLIN Reverend Robert Franklin, Jr., is the Presidential Distinguished Scholar of Social Ethics at Emory University. He formerly served as President of the Interdenominational Theological Center, the nation's foremost center of historically African American religious training and graduate theological education. Prior to that, Dr. Franklin was a program officer at The Ford Foundation-where he was responsible for grants to African American churches engaged in secular social service delivery. Dr. Franklin is author of Liberating Visions: Human Fulfillment and Social Justice in African American Thought (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1997).

JEHMU GREENE Jehmu Greene is the President of Rock the Vote. Prior to joining Rock the Vote, Ms. Greene served as the Director of Women's Outreach and Southern Political Director at the Democratic National Committee, a Program Director a the Center for Policy Alternatives' Youth Voices Project and National Student Voter Education Day, and a Volunteer Coordinator for the University of Texas's Neighborhood Longhorns Project.

CHARLES R. HALPERN Charles R. Halpern is currently a Scholar in Residence at Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. While founding Demos and serving as its first Board Chair, he was President and CEO of the Nathan Cummings Foundation. From 1982 to 1987, Mr. Halpern was the founding Dean and Professor of Law at the CUNY Law School at Queens College. He was also co-founder and director of the Network for Law and Social Policy in Washington, D.C., and co-founder and attorney for the Mental Health Law Project.

SARA HOROWITZ Sara Horowitz is the founder and Executive Director of Working Today, a non-profit organization that represents the needs and concerns of America's growing independent "freelance" workforce by providing access to key protections such as health insurance and other benefits. Previously, she was a labor attorney in private practice and a union organizer with 1199-the National Health and Human Service Employees Union. Prior to joining 1199, Sara was a public defender in New York City.

ERIC LIU Eric Liu is an author and educator who has served in senior leadership roles in national politics, media and business. He was a White House foreign policy speechwriter during President Clinton's first term and the President's deputy domestic policy adviser in the second term. Before that he served as a legislative aide to Senator David Boren. Liu is founder of the "How We Teach" initiative, a new multimedia education project. From 2000 to 2002, Liu was a Vice President at RealNetworks, the pioneering Internet media firm. Mr. Liu's most recent publication is Guiding Lights: The People Who Lead Us Toward Our Purpose in Life (Random House, 2005)

ARNIE MILLER Arnie Miller is a founder of Isaacson Miller, a national executive recruiting firm headquartered in Boston. Previously he served in the Administration of President Jimmy Carter as the Director of the Presidential Personnel Office in the White House from 1978 to 1980. During his tenure, more women and people of color were appointed to positions in the Executive Branch and the Independent Regulatory Agencies than ever before in our nation's history.

WENDY PURIEFOY Wendy Puriefoy is President of Public Education Network, the nation's largest network of community-based school reform organizations. Prior to that, she was Executive Vice President and COO of The Boston Foundation, a community foundation with an endowment of over $750 million supporting public health/welfare, educational, cultural, environmental, and housing programs in Boston, Massachusetts.

  • David Skaggs David Skaggs is the Executive Director of the Center for Democracy and Citizenship at The Council for Excellence in Government. He is also Of Counsel to a Washington-based law firm and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Colorado. Previously, Mr. Skaggs was a six-term Democratic U.S. Congressman from Colorado and a three-term member of the Colorado legislature.
  • Linda Tarr-Whelan Linda Tarr-Whelan is Managing Director of Tarr-Whelan & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm. Ambassador Tarr-Whelan was appointed by President Clinton and served as the US Representative to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women from 1996-2001. She also served in high-level positions in the Carter White House, New York State government, the National Education Association, and AFSCME. As the CEO and President of the Center for Policy Alternatives, Ambassador Tarr-Whelan built the Center for Policy Alternatives (CPA) into a leading state progressive policy and leadership center.
  • Ernest Tollerson Ernest Tollerson is Senior Vice President for Research and Policy at the New York City Partnership, a business-led nonprofit. Previously, he was a Program Officer at the Beldon Fund and served for two years as a member of the Editorial Board of The New York Times. Mr. Tollerson began his career in journalism in 1975 at The Wall Street Journal. He also was editorial page editor at New York Newsday.

Ruth Wooden is President of Public Agenda, a non-profit that conducts public opinion research, on critical public policy issues. Prior to joining Public Agenda in August 2003, Ms. Wooden was Executive Vice President-Senior Counselor at the international public relations firm of Porter Novelli where she led the Advertising and Cause-Related Marketing Practice. She also served from August 1987 to June 1999 as President and CEO of The Advertising Council, Inc.

  • Leave of Absence until December 31, 2005