Sarah Platts

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Sarah Platts is the Washington D.C. program director of the Henry Jackson Society. She is a senior analyst with BearingPoint Inc. and co-director of the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy counselors program.[1]

Platts holds a BA (with Honors) in Political Science from the University of California, Irvine. Her honors thesis focused on international intervention in humanitarian crises with a focus on Darfur. She spent a year studying International Relations and Art History at La Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Madrid, Spain.[2]

Platts obtained her Masters degree in Comparative Politics with a specialization in Conflict Studies at the London School of Economics. Her dissertation examined consociationalism in the Iraqi Constitution of 2005. While in London, Sarah worked as a Section Director for Governance, Strategy & Terrorism, and Latin America at the Henry Jackson Society.[3]

She has also held positions at the Institute for National Strategic Studies and the office of US Congressman Kevin McCarthy.[4]



  1. Sarah Platts, Henry Jackson Society, 19 April 2009.
  2. Sarah Platts, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, accessed 19 April 2009.
  3. Sarah Platts, Henry Jackson Society, 19 April 2009.
  4. Sarah Platts, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, accessed 19 April 2009.