Insight Public Affairs

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

According to the UK Register of All-Party Groups, the PR and lobbying firm Insight Public Affairs is employed by pharmaceutical firms Sanofi-Aventis, Bayer Schering Pharma and Boehringer Ingelheim to provide administrative assistance (organising meetings, sending invitations).[1]

Insight Public Affairs also works with the National Literacy Trust (NLT) and the Chartered Institute of Librarians and Information Professionals (CILIP).[2]

An article in The Times (London) of 25 September 2009 notes:

Insight Public Affairs, which is still dominated by former Labour staff members and has not yet recruited a Tory candidate, has issued a flattering guide to likely stars of the 2010 intake of MPs, with advice on how to lobby them. "So many new MPs," wrote an account executive, Mark Wheeler, "so many lobby interests, so little time."[3]

All-Party Parliamentary Groups

Insight works with:

  • the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Libraries, Literacy and Information Management[4]
  • the All-Party Parliamentary Thrombosis Group[5]


Insight Public Affairs' website as at November 2009 lists clients as:[6]


Insight Public Affairs, APPC Register Entry for 1 June 2009 to 31 August 2009


  1. Register of All-Party Groups, UK Parliament website, accessed 20 Nov 2009
  2. Register of All-Party Groups, UK Parliament website, accessed 20 Nov 2009
  3. Tom Baldwin and Alice Fishburn, "Movers and shakers who are working to become your MP; Tom Baldwin and Alice Fishburn on a blurring of the fine line between business and politics", The Times, Sept 25 2009
  4. Register of All-Party Groups, UK Parliament website, accessed 20 Nov 2009
  5. Register of All-Party Groups, UK Parliament website, accessed 20 Nov 2009
  6. Clients, IPA website, accessed 20 Nov 2009