World Growth

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World Growth calls itself "a non-profit, non-governmental organization established to bring balance to the debate over trade, globalization, and sustainable development".[1]

It is clear which side of the globalization debate the organization takes. It seems to have been set up to counter the worldwide anti-globalization movement. World Growth implies that globalization means connectedness and harmony and equates the anti-globalization movement with violence. In fact the anti-globalization movement exists to draw attention to the inequities, social disruption, and exploitation that has been exacerbated in third world countries by the terms of so-called free trade. With regard to violence at, say, G8 summits, World Growth does not mention the violence that has been initiated by the police against non-violent demonstrators.[2]

World Growth states:

Unfortunately, not everyone welcomes the interconnected world that we now live in. In recent years, we have seen a dramatic increase in protests against globalization, including violent demonstrations in places such as Seattle (1999), Cancun (2003) and Gleneagles, Scotland (2005). These protests have often been accompanied by attacks on corporations that do business on a global scale.
The high media profile of the anti-globalization movement has created a disturbing imbalance of information about international organizations and multinational businesses. World Growth seeks to restore balance to the debate by documenting how globalization promotes health, wealth and freedom.[3]












  1. History of World Growth, World Growth website, accessed 11 Oct 2009
  2. Just one example among many occurred in Rome at the G8 summit of 2008. See 13 Italian police convicted of G-8 violence, USA Today, 13 Nov 2008, accessed 11 Oct 2009
  3. History of World Growth, World Growth website, accessed 11 Oct 2009