COP15 Issues Discussion Page
Keshia: Awesome, now we can all chat about this. Ok, I found a page about BP and other participants in the Global Compact. I'm going to be looking into the Global Compact participants and their connections to the UK government, in particular the DECC. I've added to the DECC page. I will add to the Global Compact page, but if you're looking at BP check out this site--[1] You can type in any org that's involved, such as BP, and then clink on their linked page and there are documents about what they've accomplished and their plan of action. As far as renewable energy, look to the site: [2]. This has the list of people you may want to contact. I have linked this, and listed the people on the DECC profile page, and the Director General Willy Rickett has a page on spinprofiles as well that you can read up on.
Hope that helps!
COP15 structure
List of all parties to COP can be found at
plus long list of observing parties at I recommend looking at just British registered ones to narrow it down
COP15 People
What I am now interested in is WHO exactly from Scotland/UK governments will be going into the summit? This is partly for us to direct our inquiries and also because it will help other activists to target these specific people with information/demands. If anyone gets any leads on this please let us know..and I will do the same.