Abu-Zeid Mahmoud

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Abu-Zeid Mahmoud is Egypt's Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, a member of the UN Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation and a fellow-member of the International Water Resources Association[1]. Abu-Zeid is a founding member and former president of the World Water Council – a pro-privatisation think tank with ties to big business, global governing and international financial institutions[2]. He established and serves as the President of the Arab Water Council and has consulted for the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the United States Agency for International Development and many other organisations[3]. Abu-Zeid was the first chairperson of the African Water Facility Council Board of Governors and has been the coordinator for the African Water Resources Network for the past eight years[4].


  1. International Water Resources Association, Fellow Members, accessed 26 November 2008.
  2. UC Davis College of Engineering, Alumni Profile: Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, accessed 26 November 2008.
  3. UC Davis College of Engineering, Alumni Profile: Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, accessed 26 November 2008.
  4. World Water Council, Newsletter No.3 Special Issue on IWRA Awards, accessed 26 November 2008