Strategic Awareness

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A PR company set up in 2001 by Simone and Tony Emmett.

Spreading the Message Via Third Parties

Interviewed by PR Week in February 2006, Philip Dewhurst, from BNFL and chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association, says it has taken considerable effort to persuade the public to reconsider the nuclear option.

'Five years ago the reputation of nuclear was at an all-time low. MI5 said a terrorist attack on Sellafield with a hijacked aircraft "could not be prevented", and that destroyed public confidence,' he recalls.

'Now we use a company called Strategic Awareness, which uses in-depth research to help us develop our message. We spread that via third-party opinion because the public would be suspicious if we started ramming pro-nuclear messages down their throats.'

Both Simone Emmett and DewhurstIn 2001 she established Strategic Awareness

“Beyond the Surface� – communicating nuclear energy Simone Emmett Managing Director, Strategic Awareness Philip NIA Chairman