Ken Rietz

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Ken Rietz is a senior counselor at the Washington-based political campaign and commercial advertising firm 360advantage a joint venture of the powerful consulting firms of Quinn Gillespie & Associates, Burson-Marsteller, BKSH & Associates and Direct Impact[1]. He was formerly US vice Chairman, President and CEO for Burson-Marsteller, but was replaced in the President and CEO role in 2006 by Patrick Ford[2]. Rietz has held other positions at the company including President and CEO of Burson-Marsteller Europe, CEO of the Western Region, Global Public Affairs Practice Chair and President and CEO of the Washington Region.

Before joining Burson-Marsteller in Rietz was a chief legislative adviser to a senior member of the US Congress and the strategic and media adviser to dozen members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate[3]. He has experience in four Republican presidential campaigns and was implicated in Nixon’s scandalous 1972 re-election campaign, for hiring agents provocateurs for demonstrations[4].

Reitz recently welcomed particpants at a conference for the Republican Presidential Candidate 2008, Fred Thomson[5] and has been tagged as on board the campaign[6].

== Career and Affiliations == [7]


  1. ^Nashville Post, 6 June 2007; News; The 'Inner Fred' Ken Whitehouse
  2. ^PR Week Agency Business Report 2007 p.7
  3. ^360advantage, 2005, About 360advantage
  4. ^Campaign for America's Future 30 May, 2007 Did I mention that the blog's name is literal? Rick Perlstein
  5. ^Corporate Watch UK, July 2002 Burson-Marsteller: A Corporate Profile
  6. ^360advantage, 2005, About 360advantage
  7. ^Ibid
  8. ^Ibid
  9. ^The Daily Standard, 20 May, 2007 Testing the Waters: Fred Thomson is Running Stephen F Hayes
  10. ^Nashville Post, 6 June 2007; News; The 'Inner Fred' Ken Whitehouse