Humberside Police

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Humberside Police is a UK police force covering the districts of North-East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, and the East Riding of Yorkshire, along with the urban area of Kingston-upon-Hull.[1]

In 2013, Humberside Police disclosed evidence that the force had illegally monitored Janet Alder, at the time of an inquest held in 2000 into her brother Christopher Alder's death in a Hull police station in 1998. A lawyer working with the family was also targetted.[2]

Policing fracking protest

Newsletter linking anti-fracking protesters and extremists

screenshot: Presentation on Prevent showing the link made between anti-fracking protestors and extremists from the Driffield School and Sixth Form

The Drill or Drop blog reported that the school newsletter, published in June 2016 and issued to parents, included this statement within its Prevent strategy:

‘At present nationally, the greatest resource is devoted to preventing people from joining or supporting the so called Islamic State (IS) group, its affiliates and related groups. More locally, the East Riding’s main priorities are far right extremism, animal rights and anti-fracking.’ [3]

Links with police

The Prevent strategy published by the school also includes the contact details for the Humberside Police Prevent officer. Although it is unclear how implicated the police have been in the drafting of the strategy, the West Yorkshire police force played a very vocal role in the Prevent programme. The Times Educational Supplement (TES) reported on how police there hosted in September 2015 more than 100 teachers from local schools, who were told that anti-fracking protesters should be now viewed as potential extremists under the Prevent counter-terrorism strategy. The move received widespread criticism. [4]

External resources


  1. About Us, Humberside Police, accessed 26 July 2013.
  2. Ian Herbert, Anti-racism smear scandal: Police targeted the sister of black paratrooper who died in custody, The Independent, 27 July 2013.
  3. Ruth Hayhurst, Challenges to police links between fracking opposition and domestic extremism, Drill or Drop, November 28 2016. Accessed 6 December 2016.
  4. Russell Scott, More police forces and councils labelling peaceful anti-fracking protestors as 'extremists' alongside ISIS and far right, SpinWatch, 02 December 2016. Accessed 6 December 2016.