Pandora's Promise

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Nuclear spin.png This article is part of the Nuclear Spin project of Spinwatch.

Pandora’s Promise is a feature-length documentary that explores the history and future of nuclear power, and 'aims to dispel myths and spark a debate about whether you can be simultaneously “pro-nuclear” and an environmentalist'. [1]

Some commentators have described it as pro-nuclear propaganda film, others have shrugged it off as 'featuring the same old converts and straw men'... with tiny audiences and generally unenthusiastic reviews, especially from reviewers knowledgeable about nuclear power'. Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag



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  1. Ben Heard and Corey Bradshaw, Pro-nuclear greenies? Thinking outside the box with Pandora’s Promise, The Conversation, 7 October 2013, 2.59pm AEST, acc 11 October 2013